Mistakes to success

Mistakes to Success

I fell so many times;

When I look back considerably,

I realise that I have come so far from the past,

And my mistakes have made me a better person.

Peradventure I fall again, It surely was destined to occur,

so that I can rise up again, but of course modified than I was before.

Show me who has not made a mistake, and I will show you many prosperous

people who have made several blundersthat have brought them this far, and made

them climb the ladder of success. Learning from my ditches has shown me realities.

I see a young woman in myself who will go beyond achievements, and success………..

9 thoughts on “Mistakes to Success”

  1. So true. I was just talking to my husband about Richard Branson the other day. He’s made so many mistakes over the years but just gets up, tries again and doesn’t let it deter him. I love that attitude 🙂

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