What would you do with chaos love

What Would You Do With Chaos Love

Do you know what it feels like when love goes chaos? Hmm. I bet you will never love the same way again OR you will rather not love anymore. Love feels good, it’s right, it’s bound to happen but what’s the significance of it when it leads to destruction, confusion and then hatred. Then you say to yourself, perhaps I shouldn’t have threaded on that ground.

What will you do with chaos loveHowever bizarre love turns, how you handle it is paramount. What do you do with love that starts to turn bitter from sweet? Why is it swinging to the wrong side? When did it start to go paranoid? Where did it go unethical? These are some of the questions you should ask yourself if you want to turn your bitter love around or better still walk away. Thankfully we have choices to be made.

You want to try this steps to make your love sweet again?

  • Start learning to appreciate your partner in terms of efforts in career, finances and care for family.
  • Acknowledge the fact that your partner needs time to be alone sometimes, maybe to have fun with friends, go on trips alone to recover from work stress or time to regain balance in life.
  • Revitalize the love that once existed by changing your wardrobe, wear more sexy clothes, act more like a lioness in bed, be seductive and touch him once in a while in his sensitive parts.
  • Surprise her with gifts, invite her out for occasions or dinner.
  • Say nice things to your partner, try as much as possible to make eye contacts with her. Remember you have a choice. Make a good one.

Would you walk away from love that turned bitter OR would you stay back to make it desirous once more and sweeter than before?

Happy Thanksgiving…♥♥♥

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