
Awakening Path Of Love

Awakening is possible only

for those who seek it and

want it, for those who are

ready to struggle with

themselves and work on

themselves for a very long

time and very persistently in

order to it- G.I Gurdjieff

When your heart is open to receive the desires flaming around you, every part of your soul is at alert and prepared for the next phase of passion. That’s the time you know love is ready to be awakened in you. You must open your heart to receive it wholeheartedly with all your spiritual senses directing you through the right path with patience.

You must allow the energy of love to seek for you; that which will accept every inch of you. Love appears in different ways but recognizing the type you desire is where your path must follow, getting lost in that journey will only lead to heartbreak because you found the wrong one. Don’t awaken nor nurture the sleeping love meant for someone else, let it be.

Image Credit: Pixabay


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