The Liebster Award


I would love to thank Elevated Hope for nominating Eddaz for the Liebster Award. Go check out her blog, It’s lovely.

Link will be sent to my nominees, although I would be glad to nominate all bloggers.

Eleven questions for me.

1. Have you ever heard of showing cattle?

Yes, I have heard of showing cattle, watched them on Television, I wish I could be present at one, it seems nice when I watch them. There’s this feeling of pride in being able to show a cattle you raised.

2.What is one topic that you could write for days on?

I could write on and on about love which isn’t restricted to only the one that exists between a man and woman but also amongst people of different tribes, race and color. Love is beautiful with glowing crystals not seen nor touched but felt, unfortunately it’s diminishing in the world now, lots of people don’t even know what love is anymore. That’s why i can keep writing about it in different forms to remind people of it’s true meaning.

3. What is your favorite movie and why?

My favorite movie is Furious 7. Apart from the fact that I’m in love with Vin Diesel, it’s a very emotional movie and action packed. It was a perfect way of them showing a farewell to Paul Walker whom I miss a lot.

4. What is your Myers Briggs initials? (Follow this link if you don’t know).

INTP!! For real? Naa. To think I can be compared to Albert Einstein?

5. What kind of car do you drive and why?

I drive an SUV with automatic transmission for no particular reason than to move me around.

6. If you could do anything with no restrictions, what would it be?

I’m a fun lover; without restrictions, I would do anything that involves lots of fun.

7. What’s your favorite diner or hole in the wall place to eat?

I’m not much of a diner, I’m kind of old-fashioned but I love McDonald’s.

8. Who has impacted your life the most?

I would say my Dad, I hope my mum isn’t reading my blog right now…

9. What’s your view point on animal rights vs. animal welfare?

I think animal rights says “do not use us as food, clothes, experiments…,” from my own point of view, their rights need to be limited as long as humane guidelines are followed in handling animals.

10. What is your comfort food?

My comfort food at any time is Italian Pizza, I don’t know what class of food it is, whether it’s junk or healthy food, as long as it gives me sweet tasty comfort.

11. What is your favorite city to visit?

I would love to visit Beijing in China because it’s a historic visit with tourist cites such as the “Forbidden City,” “Great wall of China,” and “Temple of Heaven.”

Eleven Random Facts 

  1. I love music, it keeps me relaxed.
  2. I’m a movie freak, I can’t do without it.
  3. Writing is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
  4. Squash is my favorite sport, It keeps me in shape, although it’s quite an expensive type of sport.
  5. When I was younger, I used to think applying lipstick was meant for bad girls but now I realise that I was being naive.
  6. I love to pray, It’s the key to winning life battles with hard work, faith and wisdom.
  7. Never a dull moment with me, I’ve been tested and tried. Lol.
  8. I hate heights, I travel a lot by air even though I detest it so much, I really wish I could find a cure to that so that I can enjoy my trips.
  9. Sometimes I take life too seriously, sometimes I’m so freaking reckless like there’s no tomorrow, What does that make me?
  10. The first time I wrote a blog post, I thought it would turn out very bad, but it didn’t after all.
  11. I used to be tomboyish when I was a lot younger, I was always in the midst of boys playing football.

Eleven New Questions

  1. Who is your favorite blogger?
  2. If you are given a chance to change your career, what would it be?
  3. If you were to be a musician, what genre of music would you like to sing.
  4. Who’s your favorite author?
  5. What was the last lie you told and to who?
  6. If you could only have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  7. If you wake up tomorrow in the body of someone else, who would you like it to be?
  8. Do you love your partner?
  9. If you were to go to the desert for 1 week, what would you take with you?
  10. What would you like to contribute in the life of an orphan?
  11. Have you ever felt you were been stalked and what did you do?




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