The Ark of Gopher Wood

I have been through tough times where I have wondered why everywhere seems so silent and yet noisy in my head. As time passed, I continued to learn to place my trust in God. The Ark of Gopher Wood is a timeless symbol of hope, salvation, and divine protection. Just like Noah, we are called to trust in God’s promises and obey His commands, knowing, that he is faithful to fulfill His words. It serves as a reminder that, even amid life’s storms, God remains faithful to His promises.

Beneath heavens’ weeping eye,
Amidst the flood’s relentless roar,
Echoes of chaos threatened to engulf me,
The noise, the stress, a relentless flood.

Within this storm, I sought sanctuary,
A refuge from the turmoil,
An ark of gopher wood,
A bold vessel sailing me on life’s tumulous sea.

Knowing that God’s grace will carry me,
For in the ark of gopher wood,
I find strength for the journey,
peace for my mind.

Image Credit: Giphy

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