Why Deprive Me

Gorgeous, dazzling beauty of mine,

Causing unsettlements in my brain.

Sweet taste of you on my tongue.

Revealing sensational rippling effects flowing through my body,


My Maraschino cherry.

The sweet savour taste of you tickles down my oesophagus,

Giving rise to goosebumps on my skin.

Being the best thing that happened to me,

I know not what to do.


They deprive me of you,

They said I have too much of you in my system,

They said you will wreck my life

How on earth am I going to live without you

I have to stay away from you to be alive again.

How will I ever resist Ice cream in my life?

Creamy, milky Ice cream.


This post is in response to the one word prompt. Deprive




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