Spreading Love’s Light

I often sit down to reflect on the activities happening around me, whether at my job, among my family and friends, or in the world. It’s astounding how much toxicity exists in the world, yet amidst it all, there are still people who love genuinely.

If only we could cultivate more love in people’s lives—compassion for the less fortunate and a desire to encourage and support those who desperately need it. Love can change the world, one act at a time. Making it our mission to spread it far and wide and creating ripples of positivity can touch countless lives.

Great is the light of love, 

shining bright in the darkness,

Rippling through my soul, 

extending to those who seek happiness.

Dark forces swirl, 

seeking to consume the hearts of men,

But trounced upon by those who offer love again and again.

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