
Season of Green


Greener glow in green.

Thick bark, proud I look to the world,

Tree standing tall among all

Comforter! provider! flawless!

Healer of the sick, richness to the poor.


Darkness descended; forces I see not,

Shields of disappointments came forth,

I turned yellow! I fell! I dried up!

Oh! The pain; all covered in shame I was

Tears I could not shed

Death beseeched me.


Out of the corners of the earth,

A loud sound came; Fear not, ye cried,

Shaft of light glistered from the depth,

Whom I know not came forth.

Thirst I feel no more; downcast no more.

I turned up from earth to the sky again,

I stood out, greener than before,

Tiny tots I bear again! again! again!

Nay he says, the end comes for you not.

You are greener I say; always greener will be.



34 thoughts on “Season of Green”

  1. Enjoyed eddaz. Oh by the way, I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. The little message system has not worked for a few days and I couldn’t reach you. Most of my posts disappeared so am letting you know here. congratz. Your delightful.

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