Tag Archives: motivation

Day 3 -Three Day Quote Challenge

Hi everyone. Today is the final three day quote challenge put forward by It’s Digant- Something in Everything. It’s been wonderful sharing this quotes with everyone. The quotes are like mantras that remind me of who I am in the journey of life, and has served as a motivation for me to keep living, and doing what I love doing.

Quote by Rafiki, Lion King

Oh yes, the past can hurt. But from the way I see it, you can either run from it, or…learn from it.

2nd Quote by Nicola Benedetti

Quote challenge

A lot of my friends didn’t know what to do with their lives. But I always had this very strong idea of what I wanted.

 I would like to nominate:

  1. Luminous Feathers
  2. Everlasting Smile
  3. A Vibrant Pallette

Sunday Motivation

Wake up

Be joyful

Thank God that you are alive

Work out

Whatever you do today

Be happy

It’s Sunday.

Albert einstein

Keep moving

Don’t give up

You are almost there.


Sunday motivation

Work hard

To reap

The fruits 

Of your labour

Happy Sunday!


A Sunday well spent brings a week of content to admire -Anonymous


All About Enriching Women

Several significant body of researches have revealed that for women, the controversial gender inequality in organisations has led to a decline in the motivation of women becoming leaders.

A few women have been able to rise to the top becoming ceo’s, managing directors of companies while some have taken up political positions in the society. Women entrepreneurship is on the rise in the society now like never before, this is a positive step in the evolution of change for women

As a woman’s leadership capabilities grow and opportunities are given to them, it brings purpose for a woman to rise and have a voice in a challenging environment. In a geographical area where women empowerment is embraced, it gives room for a long thread of head start such as enlightenment on the female child growth where awareness is created on their physical changes as they advance into womanhood.

It doesn’t stop at that; Illiteracy will be  reduced especially in developing countries, education is encouraged which increases career opportunities, and in turn helps women in having finances to assist in home affairs with their family. Women will arise…..

blogger recognition award


Blogger Recognition Award

I want to thank this lovely blogger for the award, Eloraquence– A Phoenix on a journey of exploring and inspiring. She’s a great blogger with lovely posts, check it out and have fun.

Rules for Participating in Blogger Recognition Award:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  2. Write a post to show your award.
  3. Attach the award to the post.
  4. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  5. Give a piece of advice or two to new bloggers.
  6. Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to.
  7. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide a link to the award post you created.

How my blog started

You must know that I had wanted to start this blog about five years ago but I got distracted by 8-5, guess you know what I mean…. One day I said to myself,” I will never be happy if I don’t blog.” Here I am ‘A Blogger’. I started writing out poems at the age of fourteen, and now a blogger very close to publishing my first book. Writing is my joy…

Advice to new bloggers

Embrace blogging! Love blogging no matter how horrible you write, one day we’ll all get there and remember where we started from.

Links will be sent to nominees soon, kindly permit me to show my appreciation to you guys. Thank you.