Tag Archives: choices

How The Choices We Make Today Shape Our Tomorrow

The environment we live in has left us with no choice than to make choices, it’s left for man to take a right stand and choose the path that he believes best suits him. The big question is “have you been able able to make the right choices”?

Right from conception we have been faced with different options whether to walk or crawl…Stand or sit…Talk or stay mute. As we mature in age, we continue everyday of our life making choices from what life has introduced to us. This keeps getting more challenging as we advance. Most of us don’t even realise that we need to make choices; a system of conscious belief where people accept what life directs at them as faith has been overemphasized.. Understand that we don’t have to accept everything life throws at us..Note that you always at every point of your life have the right to choose.

The decisions you make today will have a very strong impact on your life in the nearest future, this therefore is the reason why you and yourself have a major role to play in the strategic decision making.

Technology has shed light on hidden patterns of life. it’s pointless when people don’t understand their surroundings and situations now. It has successfully made it optional for people to make use of online dating applications to choose the best opposite sex that suits them as partners; it has helped people in online vocational training where you make choices with your skills ; man has used technology to discover weather predictions which helps you make choices of how to plan your day.

Whatever choices we make today, be it through act of technology, situational determinants, consequential faith, advice from people, heart, our head speaking to us…It will always have an influence on our future. Making negative choices today results to a complicated future while making positive Choices today results to a successful future.

Let’s make a good one today!!!



It Boils Down To Two Choices  

You make your choices and live with them; OR you change your mind and make new choices. Great post written by Itsallbuki. Read and enjoy!



There are a lot of marriages out there that aren’t thriving. Yet the bulk of the responsibility to keep it together is on the woman. Who teaches girls or rather who brain-washes girls that their responsibility is to baby their marriage and chase their husbands till they die? When they are babying another adult, who will baby them? Or are women destined to be the sad haggard one in life? Yet when these women reach out for help, the general word is, it’s your cross or lot in life and then you find that they resign to living out their days with a spouse who is flawed and making them anxious and miserable.

I have both female and male friends who like to engage in very meaningful and intimate conversations about love and life. I listen especially closely to…

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