Tag Archives: change

The Power of Your Thoughts

Do you know that many of us can change our lives by envisioning our subconscious positive images and erasing the negative ones?

There is no limit to what you can achieve;
The possibilities are endless;
We make tough decisions every day;
Implementing them the right way is key.

Our minds attract negativity; this is the most common deficiency of the human mind. Our attitude towards life and moving around it can be tricky even for us. Life gets intense, hectic, annoying, and distressing. It’s easy over time to become a pessimist. Pleasant activities like walking, praying, and meditation can change our thought processes. It will reduce stress and enhance personal growth. Change your thinking and change your life.

It Boils Down To Two Choices  

You make your choices and live with them; OR you change your mind and make new choices. Great post written by Itsallbuki. Read and enjoy!



There are a lot of marriages out there that aren’t thriving. Yet the bulk of the responsibility to keep it together is on the woman. Who teaches girls or rather who brain-washes girls that their responsibility is to baby their marriage and chase their husbands till they die? When they are babying another adult, who will baby them? Or are women destined to be the sad haggard one in life? Yet when these women reach out for help, the general word is, it’s your cross or lot in life and then you find that they resign to living out their days with a spouse who is flawed and making them anxious and miserable.

I have both female and male friends who like to engage in very meaningful and intimate conversations about love and life. I listen especially closely to…

View original post 415 more words

Change of Theme

Hello Everyone,

Thanks so much in this journey of blogging. This is still eddaz.com, just a change of theme and one or two more changes to come on the font and sidebar. Kindly note that you are in the right place.

I realised that I needed to change my theme for ease of access, where my side bar will be staring right at me and you. I really do hope you like it.

Thanks for your understanding.


Little Changes That Makes A Man

Change is part of our daily lives that cannot be avoided, how we react to it is what matters. Accepting change in our lives gives room for the bigger picture. This picture is determined by you and only YOU.

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Not accommodating change keeps you fixed in a position you don’t belong. The universe is in a constant change, not moving along with it can leave you behind. Imagine a ball rolling on the ground, moving constantly, your decision not to run along to grab the ball will make you loose it. A little change from that fixed position was all you needed to catch that ball for you to be a winner. Instead you stayed back and watched with fear of running along to catch it, you were scared of loosing or stumbling.

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If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living- Gaily Sheely.

Resisting change is a reflection of who you are, accepting change makes you the highflyer-Eddaz.

Reasons why change should not be resisted:

Man resists change due to fear of the unknown. The greatest fear you should have is resisting change, so you are actually scared of what is right in front of you which is harmless, “stare into the eyes of what you fear most.” Stop having that fear of change, it might just be the solution to that knocking headache.

Morale is increased when change is accommodated, staying in the same position in an organisation makes you burn out; do something new that will lead to that change, motivate yourself if you aren’t motivated, “make the change, don’t wait for the change to come.” If you have to study further, then do that. If you have to search for a better job, then do just that.

Accepting to change your location might be what you need to meet -the-one, aha. Face that fear, travel to another state or country if the need arises or if work requires you to do so, it might just be a “blessing in disguise.”

Kindly share with others what change you have embraced in your life and how it felt.