Tag Archives: marriage

For Better Or Worse

In sickness and In health

Will love reign until death


The wedding vows have been passed down the line from generation to generation and the meaning of the words have also been thinning down as well, where couples forget it’s significance once they step off the holy ground and get hit by the storm of the union. This emotional exchange of love have become sentimental for so many but still cherished by a few.

If only we could be a little bit more patient in taking on this journey and get familiar with what MARRIAGE really is; it’s one filled with bliss, happiness, friendship, joy but also filled with its share of challenges which is why the vow “For Better Or Worse” has more in-depth meaning than we even realize.

Image Credit: Pixabay


Couples Who Don’t fight

I have often wondered If there are real couples who don’t get into clashes with each other; I have also realized that a relationship or marriage without arguments gets boring. Even while you are having the best of times, you argue about everything under the sun.

From my observation and research, I have been able to come up with a list of couples who don’t fight.

  1. Those who are pretentious, full of resentment and liars.
  2. The ones who leave apart or rarely see each other.
  3. Those who mean nothing to each other.

You might have seen couples that look like they don’t engage in conflicts but, the secret is that they do and are superb at it… They have worked on it over time and have developed strategies and armors on how to fight effectively and efficiently without washing their dirty laundry in public.

A strong marriage requires two people who choose to love each other even on those days when they struggle to like each other- DaveWillis.Org

It’s not a fairy tale when you decide to share your time and space with another human, in fact, it could get annoying seeing the same person doing the same thing repeatedly but because of the affection and devotion you have for the other individual, you are willing to make things work out between yourselves.

There will always be arguments from time to time and after you reconcile, the bond gets tighter. What matters most is to ensure you argue constructively by communicating your feelings, thoughts, and opinions in a respectful and mature manner.

Fighting is part of a healthy relationship, but sincere and open communication beats conflict; who says anyone can be happy all the time? Disagreements help you learn something new about each other.

Behind every couple lies two people who have fought hard to overcome all obstacles and interference to be that way. Why? Because it’s what they wanted- Kim George


Image Credit: Pixabay



Romance Languages

Engulfed in the wind of enchantment

Bathing in the cloud of love

The arrows of romance fired at me

Speaking languages I never imagined

Stay with me forever

So I may dance only to your tune

There are five most spoken romance languages according to Wikipedia. They are…French, Spanish, Romanian, Portuguese, and Italian. I suggest you have a language you speak to someone you hold special in your heart.

This only symbolizes their uniqueness; even without them understanding it; the weight of the emotion behind the conversations would say it all. It’s interesting when you add a theme to your relationship either in marriage or courtship period; your partner would feel like the cutest baby in the world when you speak the language occasionally with a beautiful smile on your face and flower to go with it for the women and for the men; you as a woman could convey it while presenting your naughtiness.

  1. Le doy mi corazón y mi alma a amarte (I give my heart and soul to loving you)- Spanish
  2. Je veuxme noyerdanston arôme (I want to drown myself in your aroma) –French
  3. Ești cel maisexy lucrupe care trebuiesă-l facivreodată pe această planetă (You are the sexiest thing ever to walk this planet)– Romanian
  4. Il tuobustoaccendefiammenelmiocuore (Your torso sparks flames in my heart) –Italian
  5. Você é maisbonitaquetodasas estrelasno céu (You are prettier than the stars in the sky) –Portuguese

You can say short phrases if you find it difficult expressing a sentence.

Te amo (I love you) Italian

Ma séductrice (My seductress) French

Tu ești lumeamea (You are my world)  Romanian

So I hope I worked up your appetite for romance on another continent. You can come up with something of your own as long as you try a seductive, romantic language.

I wish you the best.


How Not To Stay Single

I published a post on my blog two weeks ago on “Why Men Stay Single,” hence based on one of my dear readers who asked me to write on this topic, “How not to stay single,” here we go. But note, I’m not a relationship expert, everything I write on my blog based on relationships, love, and marriage is of my opinion, research, and true life experiences.

It’s a state of mind when you panic about being single, it should be considered as a learning period; Once you accept the position in your life, it will surprise you how other things will fall into place, things you never expected nor planned. Getting married or entering a long-term relationship is not the end to your struggles… believe me; It’s an eye-opener and another learning ground. But the good news is that if you meet the right person who is willing to travel on the same path – you will be able to rock the boat together regardless of the storms…


If you don’t want to stay single, consider the following…

-Accept that you are single.

-Search your heart since no one is listening to your thoughts and ask yourself if you are ready for a relationship.

-If you feel insecure or have biased feelings about dating but unwilling to stay single, you might need to make some visits to your therapy.

-Stay happy and take time to discover yourself.

-You will make mistakes but never be hard on yourself.

-Acknowledge that no one is perfect.


-Don’t be selective of men or women to date.

-Build your confidence, work on your charisma, be real.

-Always put yourself together.

-Don’t rush into any relationship because you don’t want to stay single.

-Don’t dwell on the past but look forward to the future with joy on the horizon.

-Don’t make a list of what the ideal partner should be but open your heart.

-Prepare yourself for agreements, disagreements, love, long-term commitment and whatever you might encounter when you start dating.

-Be ready to let go, there will be times you must sacrifice your desires to make your partner happy.

When your ‘OWN’ partner comes, nothing can stop you from being together… NOTHING

If the relationship doesn’t work out, move on and stay happy, never lose confidence in yourself because it means that you and the person aren’t meant to be together.

Feel free to share your opinions on how not to stay single.

Image Source: Google

We Only Need Men To Have Children

I absolutely don’t support this statement nor this action which is becoming rampant in today’s society. Some women have decided to demote themselves by saying all they need men for is to have children. This mind set leading to frivolous actions comes with lots of complications we never envisage. I felt very uncomfortable when a close friend said this to me and had to set her straight.

I’m a woman with needs which doesn’t include stooping low in search of men just to bring innocent children into the world and then zoom off like nothing happened, what would be my explanation to them when they are older.

We need men…point blank…just as men need us but for the right reasons procreation is one of them but not the major reason. Both sexes want to be loved, deserve respect for each other and need someone to lean on through communication.

If dating each other doesn’t work out or the marriage collapsed when least expected, if it’s unrepearable, then try searching for someone else. Despite all actions taken to win a man’s heart in a relationship or gain respect from one’s husband, peradventure it doesn’t work out or isn’t going as we hoped it would, we need to accept where life has taken us to, learn and modify our actions.

Don’t give up on your heart’s desire but do things the right way!!!

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Image Credit: Pixabay