Tag Archives: growth

Stepping Into The New Year

The dawn of a new year is akin to turning the page of a book—an opportunity to start anew, to script the next chapter of our lives with renewed vigor and purpose. As we bid farewell to the past year’s trials and triumphs, the prospect of a fresh start beckons, inviting us to embrace change, set new goals, and embark on a journey of self-improvement.
Embracing a fresh start isn’t just about making resolutions; it’s about adopting a mindset—a commitment to growth, resilience, and self-discovery.

As we stand on the threshold of a new year,
let’s embrace this opportunity for a fresh start.
A canvas awaiting our strokes,
A path waiting to be charted,
Embrace change,
Set intentions,
And let this year be a testament to your growth,
resilience, and unwavering spirit.

Here’s to a year of new beginnings, profound discoveries, and boundless possibilities. Cheers to the journey ahead!

Finding Someone Who Shares The Same Interest

We all have certain interests hooked up on our heart which is unrelenting. Being decisive of what exactly we want to do about it is bothersome sometimes, but do you think to find someone who shares the same interest in your view will clear the pathway for you, sensitizing you of the delusions you think is wavering through your mind?

Regardless of how strong we are, there are times we need another individual that shares the same interest we do, supporting us all the way and saying it exactly as it is, detecting the negativity we have divulged into unknowingly so as to alert us and pull us back on the right path.

Apparently, two heads coming together as one is always more productive, that is the reason why teamwork is non-negotiable in organizations. Then start to see yourself as an organization that needs growth and productivity in every aspect, therefore doing that will prompt you in actualizing the fact that you need someone or group of people that share the same interest as you do.

Remember individually we are one drop, but together we are an ocean.

Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is a success – Henry Ford

Do you think you need to find someone who shares the same interest with you?

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Image Credit: Pixabay

Crises – Get a Grip

C- Corruption


I- Idolatary

S- Slavery

E- Ending to life

S- Self Destruction


Crises everywhere, unlimited…


In the homes.

Nations not excluded.

Financial Crises in organizations.

Marriages crumbling.

Dwell not  on it.

It’s heartbreaking…

Are they the signs?

Has the world come to an end already?

In the process?

Will CRISES come to an end?

Is it the norm?

The turmoil,

We are breathing in pain

Wonder what we are exhaling.

Play the music of peace,

To renew our soul.

The children, OH, the children,

What are they looking forward to?


Crises get a grip.

This post is in response to the one word prompt. Crises.