Tag Archives: money

The Craving Mind

Their soul burn with raging fire

so they are consumed in a vacuum.

Craving they cannot control

but accept enthusiastically, thinking it’s a release.

The desires of the galvanizing heart;

death knocks in pitch black;

power of darkness sway in fashion;

In elegance, it persuades for vitality;

Our body is channeled in a style that craving is unavoidable. When you do a soul-searching, you realize there is something you desire so bad… whatever it is; however, it affects your innermost being, depends on the manner you control your hunger for it.

Whether it’s for sex, gambling, food, drugs, liquor, dead iced water, money, material objects no matter what your craving is, don’t be too hard on yourself, the first, second to the most recent generation have been there.

Mine was for alcohol, I took years to break off; it wasn’t an easy journey; I wanted more; I was at that point of no return… I thought I could never check it much less quit, but YES I gave up on it.

However how tough to contain a craving, one most important thing you should know is that, stopping or controlling it won’t kill you. It’s a thing of the mind when you think you can’t stop. It’s harmful to your health depending on the addiction.

Second, remind yourself that God loves you; love yourself… all other solution will surface even without a psychological help.

How do you control your cravings? 



Money Maker

A money maker according to Oxford Dictionary is a person or thing that earns a lot of money. We all aspire to be wealthy, if possible, I would buy a money spilling machine in my home. Laugh

Have you met a money maker ever? They are the most brilliant characters, weird enough some of them aren’t intelligent but lucky or good at what they do. I mentioned lucky because several people became prosperous through playing the lottery… I wish I could be like them.

While others are asking “How do I make more money?” They are busy counting their dough because they know what they are doing. If anyone tells you, they will teach you how to be rich, trust me they are making cash off you, they are money makers. So wake up today and become one without it affecting your daily life or creating a negative impact on your family and health. You can refer to this sites on money making ideas: https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Money




Brainstorm Ideas

Hard work



Mental Stability


These tips can help create a path to what or who you wish to be, aim for the best. Never give up because you are almost there. Negativity turns you into a pessimist, you don’t want to associate yourself with them either else you go down the drain.

Have a great time being you.

Image Credit: Google



Money And Sex

Sex is fun!

Enchanting, exciting!

Alluring, invigorating!

The act is heavenly!

Sex is everything that rules the world, it has unfortunately taken the place of love. What happened to love, kindness and you? Instead of that, we have Sex and Money.

Money is life-changing!

It’s friendly, sweet-evil, contagious!

Addictive, enchanting, magnetic!

The wad of cash keeps the struggle away!

Money gets things done, it makes the world go round, it’s the root of evil, yet it’s a necessity and therefore has taken over kindness and sincerity. In conclusion “something must be wrong” but you know what? Everything is wrong…

Power craves for money and sex, blinding every other purpose of life,

Creating ice cold bastards, blood-sucking demons, promoting struggle and fight.

Thinking we have the solution to poverty by hunting for more and more money? NO!

It makes us want more shit and creates this deep hole well in our heart that keeps getting wider and then we sink inside it and get burned up.

Image Source: Pixabay

Worry Less-Achieve More

One way or the other we find ourselves worrying about the little details in life. Such as-“Will I be happily married in future? Will I get to live long,? Will I become famous like Micheal Jackson? Will I be wealthy like Bill Gates?  Will I end up getting married into a royal family or does my husband really love me?”

It’s quite endless what we worry about, and really it’s disturbing getting all worked up by these thoughts. Sometimes I worry about my finances, my health, my career….Then when I’m lucky enough to remember, I jerk myself out by asking, “what the hell is wrong with you girl?”

We have to stop looking under the bed and realize that the monsters are inside us, poisoning our thoughts, mind, body and soul….TAKE CHARGE OF YOURSELF. Strive to work at controlling your own mind or someone else– something else will help you control it.

Several weeks ago, I stood at the window of my living room lost in thought, thinking and looking worried about what to wear to church the following day; my very little nephew walked in and asked me, “auntie what are you doing?” I told him, “I’m thinking”, then he said, “oh,” he walked out… guess what?  Fifteen minutes later, I saw my little nephew lying down on the settee, face up, staring at the ceiling with his arms folded behind his head, and I asked him,” what are you doing?” he said “I’m thinking.”


This is how contagious and negative worrying can be, I was disturbed about a very minor matter without even realising it. Pondering on the outcome of my Nephew’s act was still part of my worries. Sigh…humans!!

We need to stop worrying about the little details in life else we might end up hurting ourselves health-wise or psychologically. If you are pre-occupied with “what ifs” and worst case scenario, worry becomes a problem, unrelenting doubts and worry can sap your emotional energy and interfere with your daily life or family just like mine.

Looking for solutions when actually there was never a problem can be stressful. Sometimes we can’t help but get caught up wondering if things will be alright.

Worry Less-Achieve More

Now babes, stop worrying about your looks because you are beautiful in and out depends on the way you see yourself. Always tell yourself “I AM BEAUTIFUL”, this will automatically start to reflect in your face and and character.

People! What the hell? We think too  much about Money ! Money ! Money ! Like I hear; ‘money makes the world go round’ hmm; TAKE CAUTION. Think very well about that. Why don’t you rather spend time working hard than worrying over been financially drained or day dreaming.

Life is beautiful, full of ups and downs. Here this….you will never make it to the future unless you stop living in the past and move on to the present.

Thinking about marriage all the time-When will the right man come along? Instead of worrying why don’t you start  building yourself, enrich your life, get busy preparing yourself for -the one-

Worrying is helpful when it triggers, and sends message to your brain to take action in solving a difficult or long term problem. Learn to stay calm… look at life from a more positive perspective.


How To Find Money

Making money is an essential part of life, and how to make it is the big deal. Posted by southern by design. Read and enjoy it😉

Southern By Design

“If saving money is wrong, I don’t want to be right!”~William Shatner

saving stI have always been thrifty. I can say that is in part to my mom who taught me young to shop yard sales, thrift stores and use coupons. Now, that does not mean we looked dumpy or didn’t have enough. In fact, most people wouldn’t have known that we did this type shopping, except my mom loved to brag that she, “only payed a quarter for this lovely top” that someone just complimented her on. But, I came to see this as a huge thing, why not brag that you saved money on something that another payed full price for? And, although the reason my mom was thrifty was because we had low income when I was young does not mean it is why you should save. Why spend your hard earned money when you don’t have to?

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