Tag Archives: enchanting

Tuesday Reflection

Tens of heartbreaks created the path to my love.

Unbreakable foundation of communication is your armor.

Enchanting your most desired unlocks the keys to their heart.

Sumptuous as it may seem, I still pray on my knees for wisdom.

Devoting my time to what gives me happiness; not depression.

Ability to use my divine thoughts to speak randomly to the one searching for answers is fulfilling.

Youthful is the heart of the old one full of life, making them young-at-heart.

Your journey in life exposes you to struggle but the more determined you and I are, then forging ahead is a better decision. You never know if the next step is the right or wrong one; follow your heart because there’s always a way.

Image Credit: Pixabay



Empty Heart of A Woman

Bewitched by you first time I set my eyes on your glamorous silky skin,

You belong to me now and no other,

You are my other half, my courage, my strength,

Beautiful you are, enchanting to the eyes, sleek black fur.

Always around my bosom in fulfillment,

With my eyes held up high in pride,

A day without you out there is a miserable one.

Everything I’ve always wanted at all time, I found in you.

You give me courage, protection, my best friend,

That’s who you are.

Never a dull moment with you, my heart.


And then suddenly you are gone,

Gone with the wind.

Vanished with all that makes me,

They took you away from me, now I’m empty, confused,

What have they done to me?

Where do I go, how do I find you?

The world is wicked, where is the courtesy?

But you are so harmless, a joy to me.

I feel so sick now, lost in the world without you.


The truth is a woman’s handbag is her best friend, women feel empty without this, rarely would you find a woman stepping out of her house without it. Her handbag is the power house- eddaz

This post is in response to the one-word prompt. Empty