Tag Archives: communication

Tuesday Reflection

Tens of heartbreaks created the path to my love.

Unbreakable foundation of communication is your armor.

Enchanting your most desired unlocks the keys to their heart.

Sumptuous as it may seem, I still pray on my knees for wisdom.

Devoting my time to what gives me happiness; not depression.

Ability to use my divine thoughts to speak randomly to the one searching for answers is fulfilling.

Youthful is the heart of the old one full of life, making them young-at-heart.

Your journey in life exposes you to struggle but the more determined you and I are, then forging ahead is a better decision. You never know if the next step is the right or wrong one; follow your heart because there’s always a way.

Image Credit: Pixabay



The Man Behind The Curtain

He smiles when it rains love

Glows when the moon sets

Roars like the king of the jungle when I’m hurt

Keeps me in the comfort of his arms….

I see a man sitting in the dead of the night, staring hard…

Do I really know the man behind the curtain?

Have you ever really sat down to think about your partner, who he really is, what goes on in that tiny mind of his. What does he do when you aren’t looking? Is he really generally stable?

Good question…

Several of us have said I trust my partner, we communicate very well…that is very good, trust is one of the building blocks of a good relationship and communication is essential be it courtship or marriage, but have an open mind, we are all human; in the process of doing both and giving space know that the devil exist in us to act just as their is goodness in us. Sometimes we are weak but pretend to be strong…

Do you really know the man behind the curtain?

Whoever is behind the curtain of your love life. Be attentive- eddaz.




The Building Blocks Of A Relationship

Every relationship has issues

But when you confront it

By giving it everything you’ve got

Such as Communication, trust, patience

Then you have tightened a bond

That can never be broken.

The building blocks of relationships that makes it stand strong and firm as tested and trusted by the older generations are being stamped on by the younger generations.


We are so impatient, lack trust for whatever reason, we see communication as a disturbance or unnecessary move, we want it right here! Now! Immediately or we will crumble.

Communication, trust and patience are the steps to wisdom we need to thrive to embrace, feed upon and apply to our daily lives, relationships and marriages. It has worked before, will work again and will always work!!!


Making your Office Romance a Success?

Intimacy between the two opposite sex in an organisation is usually as a result of close working relationship. It’s usually common in a work environment where workers spend  lots of quality time with each other, working, sitting, and sometimes chatting together. All this brings about closeness, and sometimes strong attractions which is perfectly normal.

Making your office romance a success?

Office romance takes a lot of determination; some have been a successful love story to narrate, while others have been a total disaster. But of course you need to be cautious if you have to engage in it, especially in situations where the organisation discourages it…

Looking at a scenario where you know the consequences of starting an office romance, yet you can’t resist the chemistry radiating from this sweet, gorgeous, intellectual lady who probably also has an interest in you…

You step into the office in the morning with the mind set of resisting the temptation- The first object that draws your attention is the beautiful lady, and you say to yourself “no I won’t do it”, apparently you know quite well that you are lying to yourself.


One thing leads to the other, you guys end up dating with both of you hoping it will work- Having it in mind that the human resources must not get to know about it, considering the fact that you are both at a risk of loosing your job, loosing focus at work, reduced productivity, anyone of this can come up as a result of office romance whether successful or not, be rest assured that all isn’t that bad, there are ways to curb this.

COMMUNICATE with each other the basis before commitment sets in so that neither of you gets hurt or misunderstood.


You both can’t resist the attraction? Go ahead…but be PRIVATE about it, trust me making your relationship in the office public will make you project interesting topics for others. The sweet and savor taste of your courtship will be gone like the whirl wind.

MATURITY will go along way, disagreements of whatever type shouldn’t be brought to the office, it should be dealt with elsewhere. Both of you should learn to agree on important details such as meeting points… Dare not date someone else in the office or your affair will be heading for the rocks. Never ever get carried away with your personal emotions in the office. Do not to stay alone in the same office… converse together as co-workers with other colleagues so that no one will suspect a thing but let it be based strictly on general topics.


Keep it PROFESSIONAL at all times, never indulge in intimacy inside the office, you can be careless about it and get caught, this won’t be good for your image.