Tag Archives: Lifestyle

Healthy Lifestyle of a Writer

Writing is interesting, captivating, and for one full of so many ideas, you want to reach out to the world to express yourself, encourage people to read your stories. It’s exciting but to be honest, you end up drained. We writers go as far as neglecting our writing pad for weeks, months, not to mention bloggers with excellent ideas also get to sense the pressure.

Writers are human too, life gets in the way, which usually emanate from family responsibilities, official duties, health disorder, even relationships you need to take cover from, name it!

Whether you are a blogger, journalist, student, copywriter, whoever you are, good health determines your productivity. The head needs to be straight; focus and discipline are key points in the world of a writer. 

Healthy living encompasses the following and not restricted to this:

  • Arise and shine

Waking up early gives you enough time to make your bed, meditate, plan your day; It freshens the brain with lots of content for your article shaping gracefully.


  • Exercise

Trust me this helps. I exercise nearly every day, still trying to keep up, making it a hundred percent though… haha, It supports you mentally. Ward off stressful activities so as not to get burnt out because that might be a minus on you. You can stay fit by dancing, it’s my favorite and keeps me excited.



  • Eat Well

Do you write without having breakfast? You’ve got to stop because you are overstretching your limits; you end up getting exhausted, not even knowing what happened to your body metabolism.



  • Spend time with yourself

Aside from reading and writing, the weekly activities get your hands full, sometimes it stretches you beyond the limit. This is where you step back and relax, adjust yourself in tune, sleep for hours if you have to, take out time to hang out with friends, encourage other bloggers, you never know when you need theirs.

Remember, always keep track of your daily routine. Living a healthy lifestyle can make you a successful writer.

Image Source: Google & Pixabay


Renewal Plans For 2017

The year is fast coming to an end…2016 will be a year well spent and 2017 I welcome with optimism. We probably didn’t achieve everything we aimed to achieve but it’s still time for us to reflect on that and set up a renewal plan for the coming new year.

I must confess that I don’t usually have plans laid out at the begining of a new year but what I normally do is pray into it with high hopes for everything that would make me happy and contented.

Well…I’m doing same again this year because I think that’s my lifestyle and that’s  how it works best for me…Plus I love surprises. One thing I have to put into account for the very important ones I couldn’t successful accomplish is to have a renewal technique on how to reach it and God willing I will get there by breaking down those headstrong walls.

I will step into 2017 because it is a major year for me I must say…Some perculiar things started in my life in 2016 which I wasn’t expecting at all but being hoping for at the back of my mind; now I  will finally attain them which is a done deal.

Would you have a renewal plan for 2017 or just hope for the best…For me it’s both..🎅🎅💞🎈 stepping into 2017 joyously 👣👣👣. Love you all…

Harry-Oh My Sexy Female Director

Here is the first part of the story:

I’m Harry, tall, dark, handsome, and single. I’m every ladies dream, at the snap of my finger, ladies run all over themselves to me just to have that sweet savor taste of me. I have lived long enough to survive the claws of the ones that couldn’t have all of me.


I work in a telecommunication company, with everything at my beck and call; My kind of job is every man’s dream, no stress- lots of pay. All I have to do is to ensure smooth running of the business and anything pertaining to I.T… SO SIMPLE!

Becky, my main sweet babe understands my kind of lifestyle, no complaints, no grumbling, all she needs do, is to maintain her sought after position in my life and play according to the rules of the game, “the strong one will survive.”

My luxurious apartment faces the beach side, ‘Sex-on-the-beach’.… I guess you know what that means. “I am the man,” always OR for the moment? That has never crossed my mind….What gets me going is fun….

I woke up on this faithful day, with the bright sunshine streaming into my room, I had my bath and left home to resume for duties at the office, it looked like it was going to be a promising day.

There, my sexy female director, the CEO, walked into my office, that was her second time of visiting my unit location in three years I have worked there. Suddenly she bent over me while I sat behind my desk, two of her blouse buttons were open at the top, the sight of the silky glowing skin underneath peeped out alluringly at me; she said softly into my ears:

Coo coo the crow cries

When the roof opens

Coo coo , we hear no more

She stepped back while I stared at her behind as she swayed sexily out of my office , my mouth gaped open…I was confused, I had gone numb with cold; witnessing that part of her was an act I had never experienced.

She headed straight to my supervisor’s office who had stepped out on an official mess while she summoned me into the office. She handed over a white envelope to me, and said “I want you to walk out of this office now, shut down your computer, go home and call me tomorrow once you have cracked the nut.”