Tag Archives: nations

Why Judge Me By The Colour Of My Skin?

Created in the superiority of the extremes

Lying in the shadow of the hollow

Vipers gushing out at my colour

Did I create myself?

Did I ask for a particular colour?

If I had the opportunity to choose, would I choose?

I am white! I am black! I am mixed coloured!

Whirlwind of hatred blowing around

Poisonous flames tearing friends apart.

A world where people are judged over those beautiful colours; minds of great men have been released to the devil to dominate.

The demonic one is out there rejoicing over the works of his hands; while people are walking around in oblivion. We know not what we are doing…

Let me tell you the naked truth…

He is on his dark throne





Stealing souls


He is tearing nations apart

Destroying civilization

Making friends kill each other

Feeding on destruction

All on the skin colour

We are the flesh, not to fight the flesh but to fight the demon by refusing to judge, kill and rule over those gorgeous skin colours, because he has decided to create a reason for nations to destroy each other over the colour of the skin and add more dark souls to his kingdom.

Tears of sadness over our ignorance

Why do we judge each other over the colour of our skins?

Do we even know why we fight over it?

Have you ever sat to think about it?

Have you ever asked yourself what will be benefitted?

Have you ever seeked for peace?

Can we even try to live in peace with each other without lamenting over the colour of the skin. Let’s accept the truth; we know not what we are doing… gullibility should no longer be an excuse…

We are all great, wonderfully created by God who loves us with all sincerity, he never condemns us, he created us under himself, he hates the fight over skin colour, he wants love to flourish over nations, he wants people to live and love in peace.  Let’s all try to put evil to shame, challenge ourselves to shake the hands of people regardless of the colour of the skin.





In the Midst of Darkness

Catastrophic events, trials, tribulations,

Flows in the part of life,

A necessity it is,

Encapsulating darkness to give rise to destruction.

Fought at the war front to break it into fragments,

Rebuffed, declined, refused,

Light is unleashed when the capsule cracks open.


Skin filled with filth of darkness,

Tossed away with spiritual cleansing,

Like the waves washed the shore.

A bright new skin is given birth to,

And Light comes forth.


in the midst of darknessThe heart corrupt with evil,

Calling forth darkness to overtake,

Will break open and through the eyehole shall light find it’s way in,

And shall call out the darkness,

To love, kindness, peace, togetherness, humility.


Nations engulfed with war,

Killings, Kidnappings, Abuses,

Why fill your domain with darkness?

Nothing good comes out of it,

Why seek for the power of the dark side?

Rebuke it, let it be banished,

Receive light for it will take you to the higher side.


Darkness and light have no place together

I hug light tightly to my bosom,

For darkness not to prevail.

Because I belong to the light,

I will not be overshadowed,

World overwhelmed by darkness is for a while,

Light will show forth, it cannot be consumed,

It can never be consumed.

We call out to light in one accord and embrace it like a child.


This post is in response to the one word prompt. Darkness.