Tag Archives: the-one

How can you be sure the person you want to marry is the one

This is an intriguing question that has been asked severally by the singles that are searching and those about to Wed. As a matter of fact I am not an exception.

I was browsing online when I read this interesting post, I couldn’t let it go untouched in dimensions. It would be of great benefit to lots.

The question– Is there actually ‘The One’😮? Times without number I have come across people asking this questions and my answer has always been wait and see, and I hope no one will have to wait forever to find out. Tim Dawes, Consultant and Trainer for Communications, negotiations and influence analysed his experience supported by The actual algebra of Finding Your Soulmate. Please check it out.

Tim says, first you won’t like either one of them. First they aren’t the one. Accept that there is no no one or at least chances of you finding them is astronomical. So you likely won’t find the one. He said that doesn’t mean the person you marry won’t be special.

This is the story of how Tim found his true love.

He met her at a party after he had sworn off women after the n- teenth time. She walked in and told me she was here to spike the punch, and I was smitten. She was different from any other woman he had ever met or could imagine as a partner. But we didn’t marry for three years, because we both wanted to see how we were going to be treated by the other and I think that’s the key to finding the one for you. Find someone you are both attracted to and who will treat you the way you want to be treated for long term.

According to Tim that is someone who wants to be clean in communications, who wants to work things out immediately rather than carry them around silently. When I saw that in her, I found someone I was knocked out by, who I thought would give me years of closeness. Both are still true today. Twenty six years after.

According to my own opinion, The one is that lady or that man you decide to choose out of everyone, to have faith in, be consistent in working things out with together, the one you will be willing to love and spend the rest of your life with regardless of the challenges. This is the person that strikes your inner being with sunshine.

Your kind comments and contributions are welcome.





Little Changes That Makes A Man

Change is part of our daily lives that cannot be avoided, how we react to it is what matters. Accepting change in our lives gives room for the bigger picture. This picture is determined by you and only YOU.

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Not accommodating change keeps you fixed in a position you don’t belong. The universe is in a constant change, not moving along with it can leave you behind. Imagine a ball rolling on the ground, moving constantly, your decision not to run along to grab the ball will make you loose it. A little change from that fixed position was all you needed to catch that ball for you to be a winner. Instead you stayed back and watched with fear of running along to catch it, you were scared of loosing or stumbling.

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If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living- Gaily Sheely.

Resisting change is a reflection of who you are, accepting change makes you the highflyer-Eddaz.

Reasons why change should not be resisted:

Man resists change due to fear of the unknown. The greatest fear you should have is resisting change, so you are actually scared of what is right in front of you which is harmless, “stare into the eyes of what you fear most.” Stop having that fear of change, it might just be the solution to that knocking headache.

Morale is increased when change is accommodated, staying in the same position in an organisation makes you burn out; do something new that will lead to that change, motivate yourself if you aren’t motivated, “make the change, don’t wait for the change to come.” If you have to study further, then do that. If you have to search for a better job, then do just that.

Accepting to change your location might be what you need to meet -the-one, aha. Face that fear, travel to another state or country if the need arises or if work requires you to do so, it might just be a “blessing in disguise.”

Kindly share with others what change you have embraced in your life and how it felt.