Tag Archives: year

Crossing Over Into The New Year

Happy New year to every one. This is 2017. A year of upliftment, chievements and success for everyone of us. Crossing over has been wonderful and a gradual process.

Let’s aim for the best.

Don’t be discouraged

Never give up when tired

Push harder, follow through

Success is ours for the taking

It took me some time to get back to writing in my blog….I really needed to clear my head… Thankfully I feel a lot better and have a clearer vision. It’s a highly needed execirse to partake in once in a while…Take a pause… Review….Take action….forge ahead.

Thank you all for being a part of my life, your encouragements through likes, comments, reading my posts, sharing has been overwhelming. God bless you all. Have a wonderful day and marvelous year😘😘😘




Renewal Plans For 2017

The year is fast coming to an end…2016 will be a year well spent and 2017 I welcome with optimism. We probably didn’t achieve everything we aimed to achieve but it’s still time for us to reflect on that and set up a renewal plan for the coming new year.

I must confess that I don’t usually have plans laid out at the begining of a new year but what I normally do is pray into it with high hopes for everything that would make me happy and contented.

Well…I’m doing same again this year because I think that’s my lifestyle and that’s  how it works best for me…Plus I love surprises. One thing I have to put into account for the very important ones I couldn’t successful accomplish is to have a renewal technique on how to reach it and God willing I will get there by breaking down those headstrong walls.

I will step into 2017 because it is a major year for me I must say…Some perculiar things started in my life in 2016 which I wasn’t expecting at all but being hoping for at the back of my mind; now I  will finally attain them which is a done deal.

Would you have a renewal plan for 2017 or just hope for the best…For me it’s both..🎅🎅💞🎈 stepping into 2017 joyously 👣👣👣. Love you all…

A Calm Christmas Prayer

How many days is it until Christmas? 22-23-24…It’s 2 days and roughly some hours depending on your location in the wold. How time flies, I can vividly remember the last Christmas, it wasn’t so exciting, I spent Christmas day in the office, trying to make money into the organisation’s pocket…It won’t repeat it’s self this year… and for all those who will be working on that day, I wish you all the best  and a joyous season.

I have a few prayer request for this Christmas which goes thus:

  • I would like to request for peace and calm all over the world. I’m sincerely tired of the killings and bomb blast when it’s celebration period.
  • I pray for the homeless to be happy this season and not feel left out of the celebration.
  • I pray that those without fruit of the womb gets their prayers answered and enjoy the season without feeling downcast.
  • My heart goes out to those children feeling the wave of poverty in the under developed and war stricken countries…may the Christmas season fill your hearts with joy.
  • I request that those that need lifetime partners get their prayers answered this season.
  • Those with the intention to carry out evil deeds this season will fail…I really request that they fail..

I hope I get an Amen to these requests. They are the desires of my heart this season.


Anticipating Justice

Waiting all day long

Resulted to waiting all week long

Anticipating! Anticipating!

We held back for months

Scuffed, ruffled, rubbed

Holding back, looking far into the distance

Painful as it is

We stock around all year round

We anticipated the return of justice

The desires of the heart that makes man

To growl! Evaluate! Criticize!

Can he be justified?