Tag Archives: week

Monday Special Alert

I don’t want to encourage negativity on Mondays but this is too outrageous not to share. Remember to have fun whilst preparing for every achievements you have decided to claim this week.

Dear Monday 

No one likes you

If you had a face, I would punch it.

If you were a person, you’d have no friends.

I’ve 2 words and 1 finger

for you ➜ F*ck you.

And this is a Monday inspiration sharing positivity.

Hey I know it’s Monday but it’s

also a new day, a new week and 

In that lies a new opportunity for

something special to happen – Michael Ealy

Image Credit: Pixabay

Something Went Wrong…

It’s unbelievable today is Friday, everything I did yesterday “Wednesday” was supposed to be done today “Thursday” This week has been dramatic for me. Somehow I  mixed up the days and got it all f… ing wrong.

How did I discover? I was writing a post and struggling to schedule for publishing, then I realized my mistake…ouch…I checked my calenders on the laptop, iPad and everything I could lay my hands on and I’m trying to figure out what went amiss, like the way it happens in the movies where you wake up on another planet or in the future.

Obviously, I haven’t been using the calendar nor paying attention; I have been applying dates without knowing which day it is.

Has this ever happened to anyone? Because it really got me worried. I’m trying to figure out what took place at each time of the week…

Monday Insight

“The most extraordinary people

in the world today don’t have a

career. They have a mission.”
– Vishen Lakhiani
No matter what position we are in life, we’ll always require a deep intuitive understanding of the core of our being, this will elevate us a step higher on the ladder of success. Monday is the day to set goals and aim to achieve them.
My insights are firsthand for me often because I take one stride forward than the earlier week, keeps me focused on what is at hand when I know I need the encouragement that will keep me going the whole week.
Image Credit: Pixabay

Monday Highlights

What makes me happy on Monday even though it’s always a busy one – is that idea of jotting out my list and highlighting the most important goals I need to achieve. Over the weekend I lounged around the house and immerse myself in happy thoughts watched movies, hung out with my hubby and friends. I needed these moments because it was a challenging week. It’s so amazing how one’s spirits get jolted by spending time with loved ones. Therefore, my Monday highlights include:

Stay Focused.

Build Confidence.

Be extraordinary.

Centered meditation.

Adjusting my creative process to an optimal point.

Cool, collected and calm in every situation.

These are just a few of the highlights, they aren’t my goals, however, are the tools for achieving my goals today and the rest of the week. We are living in a world where everything is evolving at a quick hype and we need to be innovative. I admire people that do this and multi-task.

My advice to everyone this week is to be a game changer and remember when you get to the peak of your career or you become who you ought to be, people will expect you to conform and when you don’t, you will be characterised as being proud; Be yourself, it’s better than being anyone’s doormat.

Have a lovely week people.

Image Source: Pixabay

Shine On Monday

Hi everyone! It’s Monday again….Time to shine…Regardless do same everyday 💝 let’s plan our week, let’s create opportunities where it seems there’s none, whatever appears to look impossible or challenging…Have the determination to conquer it.

Challenge is a word we give to an experience in our life because we decide to.

Create opportunities, don’t create challenges for yourselves.

Face your fears boldly; work on it; make it your friend.

Discover your inner self and unveil the eagle in you.

Shine on Monday to glow everyday.