Tag Archives: bloggers

Healthy Lifestyle of a Writer

Writing is interesting, captivating, and for one full of so many ideas, you want to reach out to the world to express yourself, encourage people to read your stories. It’s exciting but to be honest, you end up drained. We writers go as far as neglecting our writing pad for weeks, months, not to mention bloggers with excellent ideas also get to sense the pressure.

Writers are human too, life gets in the way, which usually emanate from family responsibilities, official duties, health disorder, even relationships you need to take cover from, name it!

Whether you are a blogger, journalist, student, copywriter, whoever you are, good health determines your productivity. The head needs to be straight; focus and discipline are key points in the world of a writer. 

Healthy living encompasses the following and not restricted to this:

  • Arise and shine

Waking up early gives you enough time to make your bed, meditate, plan your day; It freshens the brain with lots of content for your article shaping gracefully.


  • Exercise

Trust me this helps. I exercise nearly every day, still trying to keep up, making it a hundred percent though… haha, It supports you mentally. Ward off stressful activities so as not to get burnt out because that might be a minus on you. You can stay fit by dancing, it’s my favorite and keeps me excited.



  • Eat Well

Do you write without having breakfast? You’ve got to stop because you are overstretching your limits; you end up getting exhausted, not even knowing what happened to your body metabolism.



  • Spend time with yourself

Aside from reading and writing, the weekly activities get your hands full, sometimes it stretches you beyond the limit. This is where you step back and relax, adjust yourself in tune, sleep for hours if you have to, take out time to hang out with friends, encourage other bloggers, you never know when you need theirs.

Remember, always keep track of your daily routine. Living a healthy lifestyle can make you a successful writer.

Image Source: Google & Pixabay


Distractions From Writing On My Blog




Thought sharing

When I write, I usually have this intriguing smile on my face I usually don’t know why that happens but I seem to enjoy it. I love to pour my heart out most times, but I find it difficult editing my own blog posts, hence, I’ve realized once in a while I just need to do so because I like Perfection, even though I’m not there yet. There are some certain distractions so captivating that I just find it difficult to write down my thoughts.

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The biggest distractions are…..

Movies….work stress….reading…Swagbucks…Social media

YES….they are my issues yet some of them are useful in helping me with thought sharing. Take for instance movies; it’s my favorite hobby, it inspires, relaxes, as a result, distracts me from timely writing.

I need to make money outside my blog, I got bills to pay, so work stress interferes a lot and gives me hard time visiting WordPress but I’m doing all I can to keep it checked.

Reading takes time and after I’m done reading books or other blog posts, I would be dead tired to write which I find distracting sometimes but nevertheless, I get to learn from other blogger’s posts consequently making friends through WordPress.

Yayyyy Swagbucks…I’m a survey freak and through Swagbucks, I’ve been able to earn lots of gift cards and bought so many things for myself just by doing surveys, trust me it takes a lot of time so you know what I mean.

Finally, social media….twitter, facebook, Pinterest, Instagram; time killers and distracting, on the other hand, this tools are the perfect combination for my blog.

However, amidst all my distractions I’m glad that I still find time to write.

So what are your distractions from writing blog posts?

Image Source: Pixabay

Overwhelming Times I Face

There was a time I sat very close to the window reminiscing…thoughts of activities in the close range of success coming.

I have been overwhelmed for some months now with situations buzzing around me in spirals….

Excited? Scared? Anxious?….Yes..that has gotten me to point that I can’t count no more the number of times I have picked up my iPad to type something out and the actions get in the way of my emotions….A month gone, written nothing but pray😇😇 with faith, joy and gladness, sometimes confused but still on the path not to fall.

Waiting! Waiting! Waiting!

Almost there…

Time to rejoice!

Time to shout hallelujah!

Taking quiet steps towards me!

Prepared! Overwhelmed!

Can’t think straight but to clear my mind….

My mind…my mind… my head… my head

Been reading blog posts… inspiration filling me up by bloggers thoughts and gifts of writing while waiting with urge to get to my desk and type away.

Happy Day to all 😘😘

Day 3- Three Day Quote Challenge

Today is the final day of the three day quote challenge. I was nominated by Southern By Design. I love participating in this challenge because it’s an opportunity for me to immerse new bloggers in the world of blogging community as well as blogs with unique content. I also would like to use the opportunity to share quotes that I  believe we need to bear in mind and also for me to learn from. Happy Monday. Set goals! Achieve success!


  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Post 1-3 bloggers per day for 3 consecutive days.
  3. Nominate 3 bloggers each day.

1st Quote by Steve Jobs

Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves.

This is an excellent marketing strategy.

2nd Quote by Bill Gates

Bill Gates Quote

Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world…if you do so, you are insulting yourself.

Be unique at whatever you do. It’s your life!

3rd Quote by Franklin Roosevelt

Franklin Roosevelt Quote

Take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly, and try another. But by all means, try something.

Trying and failing doesn’t mean you are a failure. You are just on your way to success by learning from those mistakes and trying harder until you win.

My nominees:

  1. World through my eyes
  2. Twentiesco
  3. Anna

You are not under any obligation to participate, but I will be glad if you accept.Thank you.