Tag Archives: post

Something Went Wrong…

It’s unbelievable today is Friday, everything I did yesterday “Wednesday” was supposed to be done today “Thursday” This week has been dramatic for me. Somehow I  mixed up the days and got it all f… ing wrong.

How did I discover? I was writing a post and struggling to schedule for publishing, then I realized my mistake…ouch…I checked my calenders on the laptop, iPad and everything I could lay my hands on and I’m trying to figure out what went amiss, like the way it happens in the movies where you wake up on another planet or in the future.

Obviously, I haven’t been using the calendar nor paying attention; I have been applying dates without knowing which day it is.

Has this ever happened to anyone? Because it really got me worried. I’m trying to figure out what took place at each time of the week…

How Not To Stay Single

I published a post on my blog two weeks ago on “Why Men Stay Single,” hence based on one of my dear readers who asked me to write on this topic, “How not to stay single,” here we go. But note, I’m not a relationship expert, everything I write on my blog based on relationships, love, and marriage is of my opinion, research, and true life experiences.

It’s a state of mind when you panic about being single, it should be considered as a learning period; Once you accept the position in your life, it will surprise you how other things will fall into place, things you never expected nor planned. Getting married or entering a long-term relationship is not the end to your struggles… believe me; It’s an eye-opener and another learning ground. But the good news is that if you meet the right person who is willing to travel on the same path – you will be able to rock the boat together regardless of the storms…


If you don’t want to stay single, consider the following…

-Accept that you are single.

-Search your heart since no one is listening to your thoughts and ask yourself if you are ready for a relationship.

-If you feel insecure or have biased feelings about dating but unwilling to stay single, you might need to make some visits to your therapy.

-Stay happy and take time to discover yourself.

-You will make mistakes but never be hard on yourself.

-Acknowledge that no one is perfect.


-Don’t be selective of men or women to date.

-Build your confidence, work on your charisma, be real.

-Always put yourself together.

-Don’t rush into any relationship because you don’t want to stay single.

-Don’t dwell on the past but look forward to the future with joy on the horizon.

-Don’t make a list of what the ideal partner should be but open your heart.

-Prepare yourself for agreements, disagreements, love, long-term commitment and whatever you might encounter when you start dating.

-Be ready to let go, there will be times you must sacrifice your desires to make your partner happy.

When your ‘OWN’ partner comes, nothing can stop you from being together… NOTHING

If the relationship doesn’t work out, move on and stay happy, never lose confidence in yourself because it means that you and the person aren’t meant to be together.

Feel free to share your opinions on how not to stay single.

Image Source: Google

Why Do Men Stay Single

I wanted to write a post on “Reasons men stay single” but then I realized that there’s a high chance I might end up not listing all. These reasons have evolved and increased over the years just as technology has developed. You know a few reasons men give include, “I love my privacy,”  “I’m living my life,” “I need to make more money,” “I’m not sure I will be a good father,” “I’ve not found a loving woman,” and lots more…I’m not trying to lash out at men but this post is for good reason.

We all desire privacy and want to live our lives, we seek for the best; I know for a fact that single life is significant but I think it should only be for a time that leads to maturity. There are many more single women waiting to meet men ready to outgrow the single man status, yet the number grows every day. God created every man with a missing rib and until you find it, you will never be fulfilled in life.


Men have thousands of reason to stay single thus indicating many more irrational motives and belief towards this action; with all sincerity, men don’t even have a genuine reason for wanting to stay single and I’ve realized over time that they will always have excuses for everything pertaining to staying single.

Why do men stay single? Kindly share your opinions.

Image Source: Google


Who am I?

Hello lovely people.

This is my very first blog post on WordPress which I posted on the 13th of April 2016, I had no idea what to expect but I kept blogging because my spirit kept haunting me for words to come out.

Kindly read!!

This is a question we all ask ourselves frequently. Recognizing who we are, signifies that we are ready to move on to the next level, quite a number of people ask themselves this question at almost every stage of their life. This brings home to us that people who ask this question are generally struggling with their personality and are searching for a core sense of themselves.

When I was in high school, I constantly used to ask myself the same question until a friend in the choir group noticed my dismay which led her into counselling me to stop RUNNING away from my SHADOW, I actually didn’t know what she was talking about until ten years later, I finally had to make a bold stop to face my shadow…the darker part of myself….fear of  failure.

Now I know who I am, I have learnt to welcome and embrace the darker part of myself, my flaws, bad habits, negative emotions, FEAR OF FAILURE…Once you have discovered the light, there is a new sense of self-waiting to be born, this is the time you get to realize there is more to who you are with a whole lot of potentials you have that needs to be exploited….

Image Source: Pixabay


Yellow Sunshine of Love

Hello lovely people, here is another one of my favorite blog posts written last year January. Have fun while reading, it’s all about love and it’s Friday a good day to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of love…


Have you experienced times when you look at someone close to your heart and smile for no reason? What do you think that signifies? I think it’s joy… Contentment… Fulfillment…

Yellow Sunshine of love

I was nothing

Broken to a fault

Darkness overshadowed my heart

I sleep with worry close to me

I wake up surrounded by fear

It’s not like that anymore

Since you walked into my life

Took away the blanket of darkness

Spread over my life with sunshine

The yellow light showing joyfully

Smiling at me

Reminding me that it’s just the break of a new dawn

The sunset of a new love.