Tag Archives: Bill Gates

Why I Heal From Unfortunate Incidents

Life is a process which comes along with goodies as well as it’s own bag of unfortunate incidents. These appears in different shades…such as in red, blue, green, yellow, white or black colour.

I’ve been hit hard

While attempting to walk through the wall

Trying to break down the wall

I fell down

But I was raised up

Helping hands ready to heal me

I opened my arms to embrace the recuperation

Cast away the shadow of death surrounding me

Bring me into the light of redemption.

Why I heal from unfortunate Incidents

When life brings us packages of delight we embrace it wholeheartedly….When life brings tragedy or what we never beseeched, we must definitely embrace it too…WHY??

The light will always overshadow darkness; accepting the tragic moments familiarizes us with the lesson it’s presenting to us which when we embrace will crack open and lead us to the light.

The healing process will position our great minds for the unique surprises we are about to encounter thereby allowing us enjoy the goodies that life will bring, which can come sooner or later.

I’ve been hit hard many times, some so hard that I feel I will never be able to move on but I have also learnt to accept this challenges, by crying out the darkness to let the light in so that I can learn to find the path that I should follow.

Life isn’t all about bed of roses, paradise, rainbow nor fairy tale stories…We just have to push harder which I tell my self daily. Sometimes the going gets too tough for me, then it gets better and then I feel the terrible bumps vigorously aiming at me which makes me wonder why I can’t be like the royal family of England or The Kardashians rocking the world or even Bill Gates…Remember they all over stories to tell, ones that you can’t even imagine, they have terrible skeletons in their cupboards they can’t reveal to the world.

I heal because I open the doors of my heart to healing to receive my gifts 💝💞

Worry Less-Achieve More

One way or the other we find ourselves worrying about the little details in life. Such as-“Will I be happily married in future? Will I get to live long,? Will I become famous like Micheal Jackson? Will I be wealthy like Bill Gates?  Will I end up getting married into a royal family or does my husband really love me?”

It’s quite endless what we worry about, and really it’s disturbing getting all worked up by these thoughts. Sometimes I worry about my finances, my health, my career….Then when I’m lucky enough to remember, I jerk myself out by asking, “what the hell is wrong with you girl?”

We have to stop looking under the bed and realize that the monsters are inside us, poisoning our thoughts, mind, body and soul….TAKE CHARGE OF YOURSELF. Strive to work at controlling your own mind or someone else– something else will help you control it.

Several weeks ago, I stood at the window of my living room lost in thought, thinking and looking worried about what to wear to church the following day; my very little nephew walked in and asked me, “auntie what are you doing?” I told him, “I’m thinking”, then he said, “oh,” he walked out… guess what?  Fifteen minutes later, I saw my little nephew lying down on the settee, face up, staring at the ceiling with his arms folded behind his head, and I asked him,” what are you doing?” he said “I’m thinking.”


This is how contagious and negative worrying can be, I was disturbed about a very minor matter without even realising it. Pondering on the outcome of my Nephew’s act was still part of my worries. Sigh…humans!!

We need to stop worrying about the little details in life else we might end up hurting ourselves health-wise or psychologically. If you are pre-occupied with “what ifs” and worst case scenario, worry becomes a problem, unrelenting doubts and worry can sap your emotional energy and interfere with your daily life or family just like mine.

Looking for solutions when actually there was never a problem can be stressful. Sometimes we can’t help but get caught up wondering if things will be alright.

Worry Less-Achieve More

Now babes, stop worrying about your looks because you are beautiful in and out depends on the way you see yourself. Always tell yourself “I AM BEAUTIFUL”, this will automatically start to reflect in your face and and character.

People! What the hell? We think too  much about Money ! Money ! Money ! Like I hear; ‘money makes the world go round’ hmm; TAKE CAUTION. Think very well about that. Why don’t you rather spend time working hard than worrying over been financially drained or day dreaming.

Life is beautiful, full of ups and downs. Here this….you will never make it to the future unless you stop living in the past and move on to the present.

Thinking about marriage all the time-When will the right man come along? Instead of worrying why don’t you start  building yourself, enrich your life, get busy preparing yourself for -the one-

Worrying is helpful when it triggers, and sends message to your brain to take action in solving a difficult or long term problem. Learn to stay calm… look at life from a more positive perspective.


Day 3- Three Day Quote Challenge

Today is the final day of the three day quote challenge. I was nominated by Southern By Design. I love participating in this challenge because it’s an opportunity for me to immerse new bloggers in the world of blogging community as well as blogs with unique content. I also would like to use the opportunity to share quotes that I  believe we need to bear in mind and also for me to learn from. Happy Monday. Set goals! Achieve success!


  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Post 1-3 bloggers per day for 3 consecutive days.
  3. Nominate 3 bloggers each day.

1st Quote by Steve Jobs

Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves.

This is an excellent marketing strategy.

2nd Quote by Bill Gates

Bill Gates Quote

Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world…if you do so, you are insulting yourself.

Be unique at whatever you do. It’s your life!

3rd Quote by Franklin Roosevelt

Franklin Roosevelt Quote

Take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly, and try another. But by all means, try something.

Trying and failing doesn’t mean you are a failure. You are just on your way to success by learning from those mistakes and trying harder until you win.

My nominees:

  1. World through my eyes
  2. Twentiesco
  3. Anna

You are not under any obligation to participate, but I will be glad if you accept.Thank you.

Strength for Tomorrow

Tomorrow will be good

Take one step at a time

Send all the fears on errand

To a place they won’t be able to find their way back-eddaz

Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Bill Gates, Micheal Angelo, Mark Zuckerberg, David Koch.

Don’t let YESTERDAY take up too much of today- the struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need for TOMORROW

Remind yourself that it’s OK not to be perfect.

Today was good today.

Today was fun.

Tomorrow is another one- Dr Seuss