Tag Archives: couples

Honey Out of The Rock

In the journey of love, we often seek sweetness, comfort, and nourishment. But sometimes, love’s path can lead us through rugged terrains, where challenges and trials abound.

Like the rock that withstands the test of time, resilient love endures the storms of life. Couples who weather challenges together emerge stronger and more united.

Honey Out of the Rock highlights the miraculous provision of God, who can bring forth abundance and blessings from the most unlikely sources.” 

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Couples Who Don’t fight

I have often wondered If there are real couples who don’t get into clashes with each other; I have also realized that a relationship or marriage without arguments gets boring. Even while you are having the best of times, you argue about everything under the sun.

From my observation and research, I have been able to come up with a list of couples who don’t fight.

  1. Those who are pretentious, full of resentment and liars.
  2. The ones who leave apart or rarely see each other.
  3. Those who mean nothing to each other.

You might have seen couples that look like they don’t engage in conflicts but, the secret is that they do and are superb at it… They have worked on it over time and have developed strategies and armors on how to fight effectively and efficiently without washing their dirty laundry in public.

A strong marriage requires two people who choose to love each other even on those days when they struggle to like each other- DaveWillis.Org

It’s not a fairy tale when you decide to share your time and space with another human, in fact, it could get annoying seeing the same person doing the same thing repeatedly but because of the affection and devotion you have for the other individual, you are willing to make things work out between yourselves.

There will always be arguments from time to time and after you reconcile, the bond gets tighter. What matters most is to ensure you argue constructively by communicating your feelings, thoughts, and opinions in a respectful and mature manner.

Fighting is part of a healthy relationship, but sincere and open communication beats conflict; who says anyone can be happy all the time? Disagreements help you learn something new about each other.

Behind every couple lies two people who have fought hard to overcome all obstacles and interference to be that way. Why? Because it’s what they wanted- Kim George


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Does True Love Really Exist?

It’s difficult to love and for some people, it’s as easy as taking a sip of wine. I have often wondered what it would be like if every passion lasts forever…. the only true love I know existing in this universe is that of the Almighty.

The unquestionable affection

Without limit

No doubts, no confusion

No skepticism, no holding back

The treasure of God is incomparable

It’s hard to express this feeling nowadays because it’s prone to get broken, this makes loving another human tricky. But has a genuine devotion ever existed in humanity because if so why are we so divided, why do couples wake up one day and kill each other, children killing siblings and parents?

Why would a partner seek for divorce after years of being together just because they are no longer loyal to each other or due to whatever reason; I thought true love doesn’t give up… we aren’t God, but he lives in us. What do we call what we have now?

Love differs

The existence is pure

But they refined it

To fit into their daily worlds

Be filled with purity

So that true love can survive

In us


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It’s The Season Of Love

It’s the season of love, men proposing, couples falling in love and moving on. Endeavor to express love to someone now, could be your parents, neighbors, friends both forgotten and present, siblings, anyone that deserves to be loved which apparently I believe is everyone, moreover, there are homeless people out there that need comfort and help, so let’s offer them what we can.


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Did I Marry The Wrong Person?

If you have recently found yourself asking the questions, bear in mind that you aren’t alone. Several couples do same. The question is why ask such at this stage of your marriage…

Did you get to know each other very well or was there an oversight? Were you guys true to yourself before eloping? Did the love fail in the middle of the journey? Did you guys loose focus somewhere? Sometimes we see the signs before taking the final decision and sometimes we don’t. Whatever happened; we are just humans.

Did I marry the wrong person?

What went wrong?… Remember when you took the vows, you did it because you were sure he or she was the right person for you until death do you apart…Always know that no one is perfect; don’t become too hard on yourself.

Once you find yourself in this dilemma what should be the next step to take? It’s a very confusing and depressing point in life when this questions start coming up, the feeling of being lost, nowhere to go, not sure who to talk to, not knowing what happened to the lover boy or sweet girl you married…It could be very sad.

One thing is certain…“All hope is not lost”… Everything that has happened in this world has happened before to other people and you won’t be the last it will happen to.

Take heart, pick up the bits and pieces where you left off…Think..It’s either you start afresh since you are already in it or you decide to take the easier step which might be the right or wrong one.

Did I marry the wrong person?

What I would do is to take a leap of faith if I still feel the love deep in my heart as long as it’s not an abusive marriage. To be honest with you if the man is violent with me, then I would definitely take a walk until or if ever he drops the violent nature. Meanwhile I would ensure I stay happy and focused.

It’s surely not an easy stage in life but try to stay strong, talk to trusted ones to free your mind, if you have kids, try to keep them happy and away from whatever drama might be occurring. Whatever you do, make sure you are truly happy doing it.

What would you do in this situation?